1 | 4,257 | 24,968 | alpha_omega | Common reciples for persistent capistrano releases |
2 | 14,393 | 53,556 | microwave | A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen... |
3 | 14,612 | 20,749 | RTFMd | A simple, Markdown documentation helper with ronn, gollum, and offline-generation support |
4 | 20,964 | 42,025 | tvd-tvdinner | Generates a tvdinner project |
5 | 21,055 | 53,556 | tvd-runit | runit services |
6 | 21,514 | 86,038 | tvd-vagrant | vagrant cookbook and utilities |
7 | 22,864 | 42,025 | alox-jason | jason bourne again shell scripts |
8 | 23,785 | 42,025 | tvd-git | tvdinner: tvd-git |
9 | 26,257 | 86,038 | tvd-unicorn | Unicorn under runit |
10 | 26,877 | 35,920 | vagrant-shell | Enables Vagrant to manage machines using shell scripts |
11 | 28,582 | 42,025 | tvd-microwave | tvdinner: tvd-microwave |
12 | 29,798 | 53,556 | tvd-ssh | tvdinner: tvd-ssh |
13 | 35,417 | 35,920 | alox | shell scripts packaged as rubygems, activated with bundler |
14 | 37,421 | 22,512 | HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistrano | Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re... |
15 | 42,786 | 42,025 | tvd-bundler | tvdinner: tvd-bundler |
16 | 43,673 | 53,556 | alox-gandalf | encrypt plaintext using gpg |
17 | 44,515 | 42,025 | tvd-alpha_omega | tvdinner: tvd-alpha_omega |
18 | 52,306 | 28,793 | HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-foreman | Process manager for applications with multiple components |
19 | 55,929 | 53,556 | tvd-gollum | Gollum unicorn managed by runit |
20 | 56,373 | 53,556 | rtfmd | A simple, Markdown documentation helper with ronn, gollum, and offline-generation support |
21 | 57,000 | 53,556 | ghp | git home page |
22 | 57,018 | 86,038 | tnargav | Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments. |
23 | 57,424 | 53,556 | surface | Combines sinatra apps, boson command libraries, bash settings, from individual gems |
24 | 57,525 | 53,556 | uuidtoolds | typo in aws gem |
25 | 57,685 | 53,556 | private_event | Gem hosting and indexing, extracted from the rubygems.org repo |
26 | 60,678 | 53,556 | tvdinner | Spork utility, cookbooks for cookbook gems scaffolding, helper functions for chef-solo,... |
27 | 62,346 | 28,793 | HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-veewee | Expand the 'vagrant box' command to support the creation of base boxes from scratch |
28 | 66,763 | 53,556 | ghp-layouts | git home page layouts |
29 | 67,215 | 53,556 | bosonson | bosonson is a command/task framework with the power to turn any ruby method into a full... |
30 | 69,133 | 42,025 | tvd-rubygems | tvdinner: tvd-rubygems |
31 | 70,306 | 31,663 | marathon | Helps run services in development environments |
32 | 79,365 | 53,556 | tvd-gem | tvdinner: gem development |
33 | 79,861 | 53,556 | ghp-bootstrap | git home page bootstrap layout |
34 | 98,224 | 42,025 | home | gem to help setup your $HOME |
35 | 100,549 | 53,556 | sous | Assistants |
36 | 101,813 | 53,556 | tvd-dmg | tvdinner: tvd-dmg |
37 | 105,332 | 53,556 | tvd-awsme | awsme Ubuntu bootstrap for ec2, vagrant |
38 | 106,501 | 53,556 | tnargav-aws | Enables Vagrant to manage machines in EC2 and VPC. |
39 | 116,795 | 42,025 | HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistrano_colors | Simple gem to display colors in capistrano output. |
40 | 116,906 | 42,025 | HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistrano_log | logging callbacks for capistrano |
41 | 124,970 | 53,556 | boxcar | Command line script framework extracted from Vagrant |
42 | 125,967 | 42,025 | hubflow | `hubflow` is a command line utility which adds GitHub knowledge to `git`
combined wit... |
43 | 131,993 | 42,025 | parseley | Parsing library |
44 | 137,768 | 53,556 | opsdb | abstraction about the operation environment |