1 | 9,219 | 12,060 | the_sortable_tree | Drag&Drop GUI for awesom_nested_set. Render Tree Helper. Very fast! Ready for Rails 4 |
2 | 12,575 | 26,609 | the_role | Authorization gem for Ruby on Rails with Management Panel |
3 | 17,722 | 18,833 | the_string_to_slug | Convert strings and symbols to slug param |
4 | 25,256 | 28,793 | the_notification | Notifications and Alerts for Rails |
5 | 28,190 | 35,920 | the_role_api | Authorization for Rails with Web Interface |
6 | 29,409 | 20,054 | the_comments | Comments with threading for Rails 4 |
7 | 34,049 | 35,920 | the_role_management_panel | Management panel for TheRole on Bootstrap3 |
8 | 53,477 | 31,663 | to_slug_param | Convert strings and symbols to slug param |
9 | 67,314 | 86,038 | the_captcha | My version of SimpleCaptcha |
10 | 68,053 | 86,038 | the_role_bootstrap3_ui | Bootstrap3 views for TheRole |
11 | 69,624 | 86,038 | the_simple_sort | Provide simple concern and helper |
12 | 106,455 | 86,038 | the_storages | TheStorages - act as file storage |
13 | 108,029 | 86,038 | the_audit | Collect basic request info in Rails app |
14 | 111,655 | 86,038 | the_encrypted_string | encrypt/decrypt strings for The!ProfitCMS |
15 | 111,993 | 86,038 | the_log | Replace `console.log` with `log` in your Rails App |
16 | 115,047 | 86,038 | gems_assets_webpack_bridge | Helps to make visible Rails gems's assets in Webpack |
17 | 117,257 | 53,556 | the_pagination | Pagination helper for Kaminary based Models |
18 | 120,108 | 86,038 | protozaur | Protozaur CSS framework. Epic css framework |
19 | 120,888 | 86,038 | the_data_role_block_slim | add data-role(@), data-block(@@) markers into your SLIM templates |
20 | 124,338 | 86,038 | the_data_role_block_jquery | add data-role(@), data-block(@@) selectors into your Rails App |
21 | 130,059 | 86,038 | the_viking | TheViking is repack of Viking gem |
22 | 138,396 | 53,556 | the_actual_locales | Find required locales keys |
23 | 146,530 | 86,038 | the_image | Helpers for image manipulations |
24 | 148,827 | 86,038 | the_interpolate | Yet Another simple string interpolation |
25 | 149,063 | 86,038 | the_crop | TheCrop - just crop tool |
26 | 149,063 | 53,556 | the_friendly_id | Build Friendly ids for The!Profit CMS |
27 | 149,192 | 86,038 | the_subscribers | Collect and manage of Subscribers |
28 | 150,010 | 42,025 | the_data_role_block_rails | Mix of `data-role`, `data-block` solutions from AI and kossnocorp for JQ, SLIM, HAML |
29 | 152,084 | 86,038 | the_social_login | Parse OAuth data |
30 | 152,917 | 86,038 | the_alive_locales | Find required locales keys |
31 | 154,348 | 53,556 | hold_the_door | Hold the door or Die! |
32 | 164,008 | 53,556 | log_js | Replace `console.log` with `log` in your Rails App |
33 | 164,896 | 86,038 | the_notifications | Notifications and Alerts for a Rails app |
34 | 165,819 | 86,038 | the_new_engine | Yeah! It's me new amazing gem |