Mozgiii's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,9019,154bundle-onlyThis gem provides a bundle-only command that installs a set of gems listed in speci...
238,28033,946gmdgmd is a small command-line utility to easily generate fancy HTML from Markdown.
356,27074,510configdslA convinient Ruby-based DSL for your app configuration!
457,00474,510uccThis gem makes it easy to compile small apps using gcc or g++, you even don't need a ma...
561,07774,510vagrant-host-pathVagrant plugin that stores the host path to your project in the environment variable in...
673,51674,510alterpathAlterpath allows you to alter the system PATH on Windows in a flexible manner
792,52074,510MangUpdateThis is a small gem that will help you with updating your MaNGOS server. It uses Mupfil...
895,67574,510tokogenA ruby gem that allows you to generate customizable random tokens.
9100,52774,510servethisA small gem that provides an executable to run a WEBrick with specified document root.
10107,56074,510win-path-utilsProvides an API to add and remove values from Windows' system PATH variable
12128,60674,510internet_tracerNotifies you when your DD-WRT router resores the internet connection.
13129,72574,510mang_keeperHelps to maintain MaNGOS server.
14134,53974,510grub-editenv-rubyRuby version of grub-editenv command line utility.
15134,73374,510ipa_account_checkDisplays AppStore account from .ipa file
16143,96774,510servethis2This gem provides a command to run a web server inside a particulatr directory.
17156,59938,694qt-deploy-winThis gem provides a small command to gather all application files required for a Qt app...