Zedtux's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2433,970cucumber-timecopTimecop steps definition for Cucumber
24,8355,980bootstrap-slider-railsMake Bootstrap Slider available to Rails
35,0173,978urssUltra RSS is a Feed RSS parser that support multiple subitems (media:content and media:...
46,1889,027switchery-railsThis gem provides Switchery driver for your Rails application
512,70463,206nobrainerThe goal of NoBrainer is to provide a similar interface compared to ActiveRecord and Mo...
617,87727,630perfect-scrollbar-railsMake perfect-scrollbar available to Rails
732,08535,631human_size_to_numberConvert a size string like 1.12KB to the number value in Bytes.
833,71085,430framework_identificatorIdentify the used framework of a given project.
941,05085,430ezdz-railsMake Jay Salvat's Ezdz [izy-dizy] available to Rails
1051,27235,631active_record_migration_uiShows a web view when you have pending migration scripts and executes them for your aut...
1158,51019,062isin_code_generatorSimple random ISIN Code generator
1263,75085,430fortressThe rigths management libraries available today are all based on the principle: everyth...
1374,57352,353devise-nobrainerNoBrainer adapter for Devise
1475,45539,727xcharts-railsAdd easily beautiful charts with xCharts into a Rails application
1575,52185,430nobrainer-deviseNoBrainer adapter for Devise
1676,96885,430kaminari-nobrainerNoBrainer adapter for Kaminari
1782,47685,430eslint-webpackerThis gem is useful when added to the Rakefile in order to scan each of your JavaScript ...
1883,22385,430nobrainer-rspecRSpec matches for Nobrainer models, including association and validation matchers.
1990,14485,430modal-responder-railsThis gem ease the use of modal in your Rails application than...
2096,78545,155changelog-notifierThis gem sends the release note, extracted from your CHANGELOG.md file, to Slack when d...
21101,03485,430fakerjs-railsThis gem provides Faker.js for your Rails application
22102,85285,430rails_objects_loggerRails ojects logger helper
23103,40752,353database_cleaner-nobrainerStrategies for cleaning databases using Nobrainer. Can be used to ensure a clean state ...
24106,48152,353cucumber-instafailShow failing features instantly. Show passing spec as green dots as usual. Highly inspi...
25111,20185,430git-ceRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git reposito...
26117,95963,206array_is_uniqImplement the missing uniq? method on Array
27118,34052,353carrierwave-nobrainerNoBrainer adapter for Carrierwave
28119,28385,430pluralize_no_count_if_oneAdd the missing :no_count_if_one option to the Rails pluralize helper
29145,64785,430simple_assert_typeSimple assert_type method in order to ensure that given parameters are of the right type.
30146,93785,430jquery_handlebars-railsjquery-handlebars is a jQuery plugin to render Handlebars.js ...
31149,52863,206check-server-accountsCheck if your account is working on all your servers.
32152,23652,353capistrano-nobrainer["This gem adds the integration for the nobrainer gem in Capistrano.\n\nIt creates the ...
33157,10663,206capistrano-docker-cloudDocker cloud specific Capistrano tasks
34173,38726,030devise_gauthDevise Google Authenticator Extension, for adding Google's OTP to your Rails apps!
35173,58235,631loi_parserThis gem parses the `.loi` file format and allows to check if a given National Insuranc...