Tscolari's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,3948,543jquery_mobile_railsJQuery Mobile files for Rails' assets pipeline
26,9185,894remote_lockremote-based mutexes
36,97319,470mobyletteAdds the mobile format for rendering views for mobile device.
424,52353,556categoryz3Works like a simple tagging system, but instead of tags it has categories, and categori...
544,82286,038tenanfyOffers a opinated use of the Apartment gem.
658,93186,038simple_tagsSimple tagging system for Ruby on Rails
781,27031,663instaclientRead-only instagran client
892,71586,038categoryz3_formsSelect form helper using Select2 JS. Should be used with the Categoryz3 gem.
9100,19586,038role_meAn easy way to add roles to your model.
10106,40286,038sprockets_zeptojsZepto.js for rails
11106,50186,038occurroTasks and models for counting model visualizations.
12117,40286,038bad_botAvoid bad keywords from being indexed by google and other robots.
13124,58586,038capistrano-rails-logsOutputs remote rails log using capistrano.
14139,34186,038capistrano-git-submodulesSimple override of the capistrano task, to include git-submodule.
15140,42442,025s3ckupManages incremental backups of files, soring on s3.
16148,48253,556mc_duckUploads command outputs to s3.