Naoty's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
151,57063,432brancherSwitching databases connected with ActiveRecord by Git branch
256,53663,432blogdoorBlogdoor is a toolkit for easily previewing posts.
366,68863,432svgenSVG generator
474,00463,432nty_change_logA rubygem to parse CHANGELOGs in my style
587,49663,432naoticonIdenticon for naoty
694,08463,432cuiaboutCLI for (
797,55025,458ruboty-google_spreadsheetStore Ruboty's memory in Google Spreadsheet.
897,94225,458ruboty-timecardA handler for Ruboty to punch a timecard
9104,54463,432params_inquirerParamsInquirer gives you a prettier way to inquire params value.
10106,93863,432graphdownMarkdown extension for embedding graphs.
11107,17563,432piconThis gem generates identicons for iOS apps. It is helpful for developers who cannot cre...
12107,31663,432cocoapods-srcCocoaPods plugin for automatic `git clone`
13110,17363,432tinydotTiny language alternative to DOT.
14119,98425,458reversibility_checkerA rubygem to check the reversibility of migration files
15134,03563,432batch_rollbackA rubygem to enable db:rollback to rollback all versions previously migrated
16143,80441,916qiita-buildQiita item builder from a template and stdin
17145,43663,432stlgenSTL generator.
18163,10341,916ruboty-treasure_dataManage Treasure Data via Ruboty.