Excid3's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8962,281acts_as_tenantIntegrates multi-tenancy into a Rails application in a convenient and out-of-your way m...
23,0572,293simple_calendarA simple Rails calendar
33,8042,565noticedDatabase, browser, realtime ActionCable, Email, SMS, Slack notifications, and more for ...
44,2243,145sequencedSequenced is a gem that generates scoped sequential IDs for ActiveRecord models.
54,9073,850combined_time_selectGenerates a time_select field like Google calendar.
65,8564,723payStripe, Paddle, and Braintree payments for Ruby on Rails apps
76,1995,458receiptsReceipts for your Rails application that works with any payment provider.
86,6194,116prefixed_idsPrefixed IDs generates IDs with friendly prefixes for your models
915,77914,662madminIt's an admin, obviously.
1019,84317,256simple_discussionA simple, extensible Rails forum
1137,79025,227vultrRuby bindings for VULTR API. VULTR APIs can be found here: https://www.vultr.com/api/
1253,69260,256stack_rescueRails 3 and 4 apps can automatically see Google search results for the exception that w...
1367,09345,201weather_undergroundA Ruby gem for the Weather Underground API
1482,49151,506animatedgifmeA ruby library for http://animatedgif.me
1589,445104,211qualarooA ruby library for the Qualaroo API
1695,133104,211helping_handEmbedded help in your Ruby on Rails error pages for learning how to fix bugs when they ...
1799,909104,211hyper_paranoidAdds acts_as_paranoid to the default Rails model generators
18107,820104,211reply_parserAn email body reply parser
19113,186104,211gorailsThe GoRails rubygem
20118,932104,211ice_rocketA Rubygem for the IceRocket API
21119,415104,211hacker_rankA Ruby interface to the HackerRank / InterviewStreet API
22121,39674,546taip_parserTAIP GPS data parser
23130,470104,211omniauth-linodeOmniAuth strategy for Linode
24131,61840,505revise_authHotwire compatible authentication for Ruby on Rails apps
25132,48060,256blogspamBlogspam.net client for Ruby and/or Rails
26146,57374,546yeastA better error page for your Rails apps that helps you learn from your errors
27155,989104,211omniauth-wistiaOmniAuth strategy for Wistia
28160,13174,546better_resourcesBetter resources routes
29170,12974,546superleggeraMonitor your CSS in development to create a whitelist for PurgeCSS in Rails with Webpacker
30170,834104,211hot_garbageThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
31172,49660,256zapierA Zapier integration for Ruby on Rails apps
32176,100104,211signalmanDevelopment tools for Ruby on Rails
33177,911104,211nine_to_fiveRestricts your Rails app to only provide requests during business hours using a Rack mi...