Kravc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,80561,367activeadmin-settingsEasy to use general purpose settings backend for activeadmin
217,09461,367chrCharacter is a library written in CoffeeScript with a help of jQuery that allows to bui...
317,82461,367activeadmin-mongoid-blogBlog app on the top of activeadmin and mongoid, using redactor and select2 plugins.
418,60961,367heroku-mongo-backupRake task for backing up mongo database on heroku and push it to S3 or FTP. Library can...
521,03841,086antsCollection of concerns and helpers for Rails + Mongoid + Character web development.
627,58561,367activeadmin-blogBlog app on the top of activeadmin and mongoid.
730,53213,858loftThis plugin adds an assets library that provides an easy way to upload, manage and inse...
834,28661,367formagicThis library is heavily used by Character project and provides a very easy and convinie...
938,44461,367activeadmin-mongoid-reorderReorder index table rows plugin for activeadmin.
1043,07261,367characterAdmin framework for rails + mongoid web applications.
1146,46361,367inverterEasy way to connect Rails templates content to CMS. HTML content is marked using specia...
1254,27320,275mongosteenMongosteen is a library that helps to easily add RESTful actions to mongoid models with...
1355,10561,367browserid-auth-railsThis gem provides a lightweight single-sign-on authentication framework to a Rails ...
1457,00319,101mongoid-api-baseRails concern to implement API controllers for Mongoid models.
1558,42819,101openapi-railsCRUD interface for Rails models with OpenAPI (Swagger) specification support and Swagge...
1659,47261,367character_editorCharacter WYSIWYG editor + Redactor.js
1776,27261,367venice-chrBlog boilerplate for Character based website
1885,31961,367journal-chrGlutten-free foundation for editorial Character based websites.
1989,43761,367insightsPlug Google Analytics into Character dashboard.
2090,36529,456mongo-backupBackup (restore) mongo database and upload backup file to S3
21109,19461,367simple_form_scssCSS styling helpers for Simple Form
22118,38833,893mongoid-openapiRails concern to implement API controllers for Mongoid models using Open API specificat...
23120,22561,367tape-chrRSS reader for Character based website
24140,66161,367rhythmResponsive typography foundation with vertical rhythm