Deradon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,62886,038that_languageDetect language of given text
224,79653,556picturefillRails-Wrapper for picturefill.js
326,78217,852look_up_tableA simple LookUpTable to cache large (!) and static(!) data
429,64586,038d3_mpqParsing data out of Diablo 3.
544,35986,038Rdcpu16This is a simple Ruby port of the fictive 16-bit-cpu DCPU16.
649,45286,038octo_mergeocto_merge is a simple command line tool to merge GitHub pull requests using different ...
754,34026,609jquery-iframe_auto_resizeJQuery Plugin to auto-resize iFrames from same domain.
858,78886,038ruby-rescuetimeUpload your data to:
959,70086,038that_language-serviceSimple Sinatra wrapper for ThatLanguage.
1067,40342,025that_language-clientAPI client for ThatLanguage.
1179,64186,038gem-gitSimple ruby script to install a gem located in a git repository.
1280,72986,038ruby-redmine_clientClient to access Redmine information
1382,11553,556capistrano-airbrakeAirbrake integration for Capistrano
14138,05786,038facebook_scraperSimply keep your OpenGraph-Objects up to date
15147,22586,038octo-mergeocto_merge is a simple command line tool to merge GitHub pull requests using different ...
16169,83786,038detect_language-clientDetect language for given text.