Fnordfish's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,6054,454vagrant-vbguestA Vagrant plugin which automatically installs the host's VirtualBox Guest Additions on ...
212,67163,432yaksSerialize to hypermedia. HAL, JSON-API, etc.
319,27741,916attribsEasy and flexible Ruby value objects.
419,60325,458vagrant-dnsvagrant-dns is a vagrant plugin that manages DNS records associated with local machines.
558,30163,432vagrant-pluginsvagrant-plugins is a vagrant plugin to list all vagrant plugins loaded in the current v...
661,48763,432teckelWrap your business logic into a common interface with enforced input, output and error ...
7120,74530,305dry-struct-railsRails reloading for `dry-struct`
8126,43363,432vagrant-vbguest-centosThis is an experimental extension to vagrant-vbguest. It might also serve as a temp...
9154,88763,432block_slackbotSlackbot does not honor robots.txt, this Middleware will return a HTTP 403 error response
10170,45963,432matchdLet's you use Async::DNS as a server daemon and configure it using yaml files. No writi...
11181,89230,305roda-phlexA Phlex adapter for Roda
12182,95263,432gdbmishGDBM database files are not portable between different architectures. This gem reimplem...
13183,41216,639rodauth_phlexRender Rodauth templates as Phlex views instead of Tilt templates.