Stengland's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,8947,048noodall-uiNoodall Rails User Interface Engine. Requires Noodall Core
210,89641,086beef-articlesArticle/Blogging engine
311,74833,893beef-has_assetsRails Engine. Adds uploadable assets to a model and admin area for files
412,36061,367beef-pagesPages engine
512,8069,357noodall-coreCore data objects for Noodall
614,1299,821noodall-form-builderFunctionality for building custom forms
716,17361,367beef-admin_areaRails engine that provides a standard admin area with user managament
821,98761,367beef-slidesSlide show generation
922,72861,367acts_as_content_nodeCommon functions for a record used as content of a website. Generator for cms and front...
1029,86516,657noodall-deviseUser sign in and managent with devise. Provides administration of users in the admin area
1132,27961,367dimrDIMr is a small extension to Jim Weirich's minimalistic dependency injection framework ...
1239,34161,367beef-text_elementsFor all those bits of text that don't need a full cms
1341,52619,101noodallNoodall meta-gem that depends on the other components. UI and Core data objects.
1450,97623,402noodall-components-general-contentA text and image component for Noodall
1552,57661,367sequel-mapperSuper simpler object mapper built on Sequel ( and using ...
1656,39661,367beef-layoutGenerates basic beef layout
1767,10161,367fakeramaCreate website content using Faker. Incudes html content generation and stock files tha...
1869,27929,456noodall-components-galleryA simple gallery component for Noodall
1971,36461,367beef-active_formValidations for Non Active Record Models
2096,72161,367sinatra-view_objectsPORO for view object using sinatra erb views
2197,07441,086google_drive_oauthSimplfies connecting to Google Drive