1 | 3,359 | 2,425 | squasher | Squash your old migrations |
2 | 16,126 | 11,864 | active_store_accessor | Get more from ActiveRecord::Store |
3 | 23,989 | 66,923 | ekuseru | Ekuseru is a gem to generate Microsoft Excel documents with Rails. This plugin provides... |
4 | 28,840 | 9,580 | solidus_nexio | Solidus integration with Nexio |
5 | 29,579 | 66,923 | t_t | An opinioned I18n helper |
6 | 32,131 | 22,483 | bootstrap_helpers | Speed up bilding you interface with bootstrap |
7 | 46,745 | 66,923 | nexio_activemerchant | ActiveMechant gateway for Nexio |
8 | 49,028 | 66,923 | uni_sender | Gem that provide access to unisender.com.ua api |
9 | 58,245 | 66,923 | csv_export | Painless csv export in Ruby on Rails |
10 | 101,126 | 35,214 | raudi | Raudi is adapter for programming avr controller without pain |
11 | 106,755 | 66,923 | multidispatch_dsl | Add mutlti dispatch functionality to Ruby |
12 | 108,547 | 35,214 | rjax | Solve template dispatch on ajax request |
13 | 141,332 | 43,406 | recast | Recast your models with recast |