Jtimberman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,3678,577chef-handler-updated-resourcesChef report handler to display resources updated in the Chef Run
210,01812,281ubuntu_amiRetrieves AMI information from Canonical's Ubuntu release list.Also provides a knife pl...
334,34013,506knife-configDisplays the value of Chef::Config[OPTION]Can report from the loaded knife configuratio...
4118,36861,367chef-handler-growlChef report handler to send Growl notification
5119,46533,893marketo_chefMarketo API client for our common uses and error handling
6126,98861,367habitat-clientHabitat Depot Client Library
7139,93561,367knife-pluginKnife Plugin to work with other Knife Plugins
8148,17761,367knife-report-resourceQueries a Chef Reporting API for information about a resource in recent runs