1 | 6,479 | 8,516 | pickup | Pickup helps you to pick item from collection by it's weight/probability |
2 | 33,931 | 63,432 | map_reduce | Simple distributed Map Reduce Framework on Ruby |
3 | 35,077 | 63,432 | configa | YAML configuration file parser |
4 | 35,520 | 63,432 | monga | Yet another MongoDB Ruby Client |
5 | 43,272 | 63,432 | pioneer | Simple async HTTP crawler based on em-synchrony |
6 | 54,177 | 63,432 | ladyboy | Detecting sex by name |
7 | 61,211 | 63,432 | em-pg-sequel | Sequel adapter for ruby-em-pg-client |
8 | 64,683 | 41,916 | elf | Elves are creatures to manage background processes |
9 | 138,771 | 63,432 | sync-em-pg | em-pg on fibers |