1 | 8,582 | 25,458 | rabbitmq_manager | Ruby wrapper for RabbitMQ management HTTP API |
2 | 16,572 | 14,438 | amqp-client | Modern AMQP 0-9-1 Ruby client |
3 | 19,952 | 63,432 | sprockets-urlrewriter | Replaces all instances of url() in CSS files Sprockets concats, if the url is relative. |
4 | 27,503 | 63,432 | meerkat | Requires an evented Ruby dispatcher, like Thin |
5 | 32,726 | 63,432 | sparoid | Single Packet Authorisation client |
6 | 44,944 | 63,432 | pg-migrator | Rake migration tasks which utilities pure SQL files |
7 | 52,201 | 63,432 | sprockets-cache-redis | A Redis cache store for Sprockets |
8 | 68,032 | 63,432 | trinidad_threaded_resque_extension | Runs Resque workers, threaded, within the Trinidad application server |
9 | 81,371 | 63,432 | sprockets-torquebox-cache | A Torquebox cache store for Sprockets |