Arvicco's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,24261,367ib-rubyRuby Implementation of the Interactive Brokers TWS API
214,72461,367amqp-specSimple API for writing asynchronous EventMachine and AMQP specs. Runs legacy EM-Spec ba...
316,35511,358my_scriptsSimple scripting framework
416,98161,367winRubyesque interfaces and wrappers for Windows API functions pre-defined using FFI
517,26561,367arvicco-avalonAvalon miners monitor
619,47561,367win_guiWork with Windows GUI in an object-oriented way. Abstractions/wrappers around GUI-relat...
723,42661,367releaseableSupport for non-gem package releases for JRuby (pre-alpha!).
824,32961,367swingStraightforward wrappers for javax.swing Components that simplify Swing code in JRuby-b...
930,33461,367ripplerCommand line client for Ripple payment platform
1042,37661,367arvicco-amqpAn implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine. Fork of original tmm1/amqp...
1142,77461,367git_hubSimple interface to github API
1245,95261,367finProvides basis for developing effective market data feed handlers
1351,70723,402p2rubyRuby bindings and wrapper classes for P2ClientGate
1453,81761,367zemaxDescribe package zemax
1554,53561,367ddeServer that mimics Excel receiving XLTable data via DDE protocol
1663,47361,367remote_loggerClient/server for remote logger using multiple communication methods
1765,39825,716ordersBasic structures used to create DOM models
1865,80825,716mt_goxRuby wrapper for the Mt. Gox Trade API. Extended with Models.
1976,61261,367amqp-eventsDistributed Events/RPC system using AMQP as a transport (pre-alpha)
2094,84061,367posterPoster is a tool that helps with repetitive tasks (like forum posting) automation.
21100,71561,367statSupport for doing stats in Ruby
22116,94161,367galaxyReport parser for Galaxy Plus PBEM
23119,10961,367elusThis is a support tool for winning SpaceRangers:Elus
24122,00761,367sexOpinionated script execution framework
25125,52961,367zmqpDrop-in replacement for async AMQP library based on ZMQ/ZmqMachine (pre-alpha!).
26131,30641,086order_bookBasic structures used to create DOM models