Kennyadsl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2372,312defaceDeface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails ap...
22,5822,559simple_commandEasy way to build and manage commands (service objects)
33,3534,966solidus_coreEssential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.
43,3604,966solidus_apiREST API for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
53,3685,056solidus_backendAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
63,4205,107solidus_sampleSample data (including images) for use with Solidus.
73,4415,132solidusSolidus is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails.
83,4464,873solidus_auth_deviseProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Solidus by using Devise...
93,4475,884solidus_frontendLegacy cart and storefront for the Solidus e-commerce project. For new Solidus apps, we...
103,6454,480solidus_supportCommon runtime helpers for Solidus extensions.
114,0616,903solidus_gatewayAdditional Payment Gateways for Solidus
124,34737,743solidus_braintreeUses the javascript API for seamless braintree payments
135,3105,902solidus_stripeStripe Payment Method for Solidus
145,57137,743rubocop-solidusAutomatic Solidus code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing So...
1510,4726,891solidus_reviewsReview and rating functionality for your Solidus store.
1611,2665,766omnesOmnes is a Ruby library implementing the publish-subscribe pattern. This pattern allows...
1711,73255,084solidus_commentsAdds comments to the solidus admin
1813,1286,878solidus_product_assemblyMake bundle of products to your Solidus store
1913,37110,815solidus_i18nA collection of translations for Solidus.
2014,06811,775solidus_dev_supportDevelopment tools for Solidus extensions.
2115,2639,274solidus_webhooksWebhooks support for Solidus
2216,65055,084solidus_static_contentManage the static pages of your Solidus store or replace existing pages with a static v...
2317,0469,405solidus_paypal_commerce_platformIntegrate Solidus with Paypal Commerce Platform
2419,65622,041pulsarManage your Capistrano deployments with ease
2519,94120,899solidus_multi_domainMultiple Solidus stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing ord...
2621,08831,584solidus_related_productsAllows multiple types of relationships between products to be defined
2722,01914,552solidus_socialAdds social network login services (OAuth) to Solidus
2825,74631,584solidus_jwtAdd Json Web Tokens to Solidus API
2929,83931,584solidus_trackersBreaking out trackers from solidus core
3031,66217,742solidus_editorCurrently supported editors are CKEditor and TinyMCE
3140,14355,084solidus_volume_pricingAllow prices to be configured in quantity ranges for each variant
3241,12015,845test_gem_release_ghJust a test for
3346,86655,084solidus_paypal_braintreeUses the javascript API for seamless braintree payments
3448,6407,080solidus_adminAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
3556,57420,899solidus_prototypesBreaking out prototypes from solidus
3657,16055,084solidus_asset_variant_optionsSpree makes it tedious to upload the same image acrossmultiple variants. This gem solve...
3765,70655,084solidus_cmdtools to create new Solidus extensions
3869,14455,084solidus_paybrightThis extension provides the Paybright payment option for your Solidus storefront
3973,80355,084solidus_sitemapProvides a sitemap file for Solidus
4082,81955,084cangarooCangaroo helps developers integrating their apps with any service
4184,74755,084solidus_virtual_gift_cardVirtual gift card for purchase, drops into the user's account as store credit
4285,41955,084solidus_signifydSolidus extension for communicating with Signifyd to check orders for fraud.
4387,77637,743solidus_product_feedA Solidus extension that provides an RSS feed for products, with support for Google Mer...
4489,50955,084solidus_subscriptionsAdd subscription support to Solidus
4593,28655,084solidus_active_shippingProvide shipping rates and tracking for Active Merchant carriers
4695,68955,084solidus_avataxSolidus extension to retrieve tax rates via Avalara's SOAP API.
4796,77755,084solidus_print_invoicePrint invoices from a spree order
48100,88555,084solidus_legacy_return_authorizationsProvides models and admin interfaces to interact with the LegacyReturnAuthorization mod...
49112,12155,084solidus_respondersRemoving responders out of solidus core
50120,73655,084solidus_log_viewerAdds the ability to view payment logs in the admin
51143,66655,084solidus_papertrailViews to see Order, Payment and Shipment Papertrail versions
52161,83337,743solidus_starter_frontendCart and storefront for the Solidus e-commerce project.
53165,95155,084solidus_zip_zonesCreate zone zip code based
54174,03155,084solidus_feedsA framework for producing and publishing feeds on Solidus.
55179,04815,494solidus_promotionsNew promotion system for Solidus