1 | 198 | 361 | database_cleaner | Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing. |
2 | 741 | 985 | email_spec | Easily test email in RSpec, Cucumber, and MiniTest |
3 | 21,013 | 28,693 | tcpsocket-wait | Adds wait_for_service_with_timeout and wait_for_service_termination_with_timeout to TCP... |
4 | 21,957 | 105,340 | deep_test | DeepTest runs tests in multiple processes. |
5 | 43,316 | 105,340 | queue_map | Queue Map |
6 | 76,249 | 105,340 | rosetta_queue | Messaging gateway API with adapters for many messaging systems available in Ruby. Messa... |
7 | 111,127 | 105,340 | bmabey-vagrant | Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments. |
8 | 118,417 | 105,340 | faketwitter | FakeWeb wrapper for Twitter and factories to build tweets and search responses |