1 | 12,673 | 17,147 | blogit | Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountable Rails Engine |
2 | 19,153 | 6,136 | rubocop-magic_numbers | rubocop/magic_numbers implements a rubocop cop for detecting the use of bare numbers wh... |
3 | 25,052 | 55,311 | promenade | Promenade makes it simple to instrument Ruby apps for prometheus scraping |
4 | 34,112 | 25,756 | genderize | A helpful class for gender-specific models in Ruby applications. Genderize adds useful ... |
5 | 36,000 | 72,146 | flesch_kincaid | Flesch Kincaid allows you to parse blocks of text and assess their readability based on... |
6 | 36,368 | 35,446 | jiminy | Wraps around your CI integration to detect and warn about n+1 queries before they're me... |
7 | 40,295 | 138,005 | pingr | A simple gem for pinging search engines with your XML sitemap |
8 | 47,816 | 138,005 | orthodox | Replaces Rails generators with generators specific to my preferred workflow' |
9 | 48,210 | 55,311 | box_of_tricks | A collection of CSS classes and Rails helper methods. View the README for more info |
10 | 60,698 | 138,005 | rubocop-dmp_roadmap | DMP Roadmap Rubocop style guide checks |
11 | 83,431 | 35,446 | motion-generators | Generate view controllers and views from the CLI |
12 | 83,891 | 35,446 | kirigami | Cut down your assets/images to a web-friendly sizes |
13 | 97,238 | 48,634 | motion-splash_generator | Simple gem that adds a rake task to create all of the versions of iOS splash images you... |
14 | 108,094 | 106,622 | affinity | description coming soon |
15 | 109,914 | 72,146 | daily_log | Keep a short, daily log of the work you do within a project repo |
16 | 110,135 | 38,496 | cookpad-performance | Provides a set of performance tools for our Rails apps |
17 | 116,243 | 60,874 | motion-persistable | Persistable attributes for Rubymotion classes |
18 | 116,470 | 106,622 | blogit-admin | Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountableRails Engine |
19 | 117,978 | 82,818 | edo | Write better code–together–by using these reports to make sure
the changes you're commi... |
20 | 119,846 | 60,874 | motion-icon_generator | Simple gem that adds a rake task to create all of the versions of iOS icons you'll need... |
21 | 127,916 | 60,874 | katana_resource | A work in progress, please ignore for now :) |
22 | 162,730 | 82,818 | motion-figaro | Keep your application configuration separate from your codebase with this simple, light... |
23 | 175,061 | 138,005 | oughta | Automatically generate shoulda-rspec tests |
24 | 175,333 | 82,818 | jekyll-archive_link | Adds a link to Archive.org's wayback machine's latest capture |
25 | 179,654 | 82,818 | crusoe | Crusoe is a gem that helps you keep track of your daily
work and thoughts in Markdown f... |