Bodacious's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,52136,605blogitAdd a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountable Rails Engine
220,70713,921rubocop-magic_numbersrubocop/magic_numbers implements a rubocop cop for detecting the use of bare numbers wh...
325,12028,615promenadePromenade makes it simple to instrument Ruby apps for prometheus scraping
434,13236,605genderizeA helpful class for gender-specific models in Ruby applications. Genderize adds useful ...
535,88053,223flesch_kincaidFlesch Kincaid allows you to parse blocks of text and assess their readability based on...
636,10897,699jiminyWraps around your CI integration to detect and warn about n+1 queries before they're me...
740,02153,223pingrA simple gem for pinging search engines with your XML sitemap
847,82797,699orthodoxReplaces Rails generators with generators specific to my preferred workflow'
947,92853,223box_of_tricksA collection of CSS classes and Rails helper methods. View the README for more info
1060,27097,699rubocop-dmp_roadmapDMP Roadmap Rubocop style guide checks
1183,47997,699motion-generatorsGenerate view controllers and views from the CLI
1283,94653,223kirigamiCut down your assets/images to a web-friendly sizes
1397,15997,699motion-splash_generatorSimple gem that adds a rake task to create all of the versions of iOS splash images you...
14107,69197,699affinitydescription coming soon
15110,00053,223daily_logKeep a short, daily log of the work you do within a project repo
16112,40853,223cookpad-performanceProvides a set of performance tools for our Rails apps
17116,03397,699blogit-adminAdd a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountableRails Engine
18116,07497,699motion-persistablePersistable attributes for Rubymotion classes
19117,79397,699edoWrite better code–together–by using these reports to make sure the changes you're commi...
20119,70097,699motion-icon_generatorSimple gem that adds a rake task to create all of the versions of iOS icons you'll need...
21128,04397,699katana_resourceA work in progress, please ignore for now :)
22162,44297,699motion-figaroKeep your application configuration separate from your codebase with this simple, light...
23174,67897,699oughtaAutomatically generate shoulda-rspec tests
24175,05497,699jekyll-archive_linkAdds a link to's wayback machine's latest capture
25179,42197,699crusoeCrusoe is a gem that helps you keep track of your daily work and thoughts in Markdown f...