1 | 2,135 | 3,146 | jquery-turbolinks | jQuery plugin for drop-in fix binded events problem caused by Turbolinks |
2 | 15,523 | 31,663 | role-rails | jQuery plugin to provide easy way to handle DOM elements by role attribute |
3 | 39,379 | 53,556 | acts_as_favorite | This gem provides a simple way to track users favorites within the system using ActiveR... |
4 | 64,471 | 86,038 | templates | Rails engine which render selected templates to json |
5 | 66,750 | 86,038 | variants | Your views are full of conditions and looks like mess of if and else's you should know ... |
6 | 70,280 | 26,609 | htmlfive | Useful helpers to create you HTML5 application today |
7 | 71,755 | 86,038 | pow-debug | Easy debug with Pow |
8 | 74,356 | 86,038 | railj | Porno with Rails and JavaScript in leading roles |
9 | 85,705 | 86,038 | staging | Staging rack application purpose to protect you Rails application from anonymous and pr... |
10 | 107,561 | 53,556 | alisha | Shell aliases manager |
11 | 116,617 | 53,556 | i18n_js | Render Ruby on Rails I18n to JavaScript via Rack |
12 | 123,100 | 86,038 | dynapi | Dynapi gem provides interface between Rails application and front-end |
13 | 124,845 | 53,556 | handlebars_rails_helpers | Rails view helpers for easy write Handlebars templates on Haml |
14 | 131,277 | 86,038 | octouser | Access to GitHub API in user context |
15 | 132,732 | 86,038 | steelbones | Ruby on Rails + Backbone.js |
16 | 140,532 | 53,556 | karma-rails | Seamless integration between Rails and Karma |