Kossnocorp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,1463,823jquery-turbolinksjQuery plugin for drop-in fix binded events problem caused by Turbolinks
215,57261,367role-railsjQuery plugin to provide easy way to handle DOM elements by role attribute
339,52661,367acts_as_favoriteThis gem provides a simple way to track users favorites within the system using ActiveR...
464,61825,716templatesRails engine which render selected templates to json
566,89961,367variantsYour views are full of conditions and looks like mess of if and else's you should know ...
670,47861,367htmlfiveUseful helpers to create you HTML5 application today
771,94441,086pow-debugEasy debug with Pow
874,53461,367railjPorno with Rails and JavaScript in leading roles
985,96761,367stagingStaging rack application purpose to protect you Rails application from anonymous and pr...
10107,71861,367alishaShell aliases manager
11116,68361,367i18n_jsRender Ruby on Rails I18n to JavaScript via Rack
12123,23161,367dynapiDynapi gem provides interface between Rails application and front-end
13125,04461,367handlebars_rails_helpersRails view helpers for easy write Handlebars templates on Haml
14131,44441,086octouserAccess to GitHub API in user context
15132,95061,367steelbonesRuby on Rails + Backbone.js
16140,74761,367karma-railsSeamless integration between Rails and Karma