1 | 15,084 | 13,259 | time_ago_in_words | Humanize elapsed time from some Time instance to Time.now, e.g. '2 hours and 1 minute ago' |
2 | 39,611 | 21,532 | dolarblue | Desc: Query Argentine Peso vs US$ exchange values with particular interest in official ... |
3 | 62,789 | 86,038 | gem-newgem | RubyGems plugin to generate a new gem skeleton based on customizable templates. |
4 | 72,701 | 86,038 | twitter_anonymous_client | Twitter public (anonymous) client for old v1.0 API |
5 | 73,324 | 86,038 | boolean_class | Performs type conversion from anything to true:TrueClass / false:FalseClass |
6 | 104,384 | 86,038 | strongly_typed | Simple type validation for plain ruby object attributes that perform conversions whenev... |
7 | 105,438 | 53,556 | thor-exclude_pattern | A scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen |