1 | 41,006 | 86,038 | brawne | Make request thrown Net::Http |
2 | 44,910 | 24,968 | journal | Simple way to log activity on an object using a redis db |
3 | 60,900 | 53,556 | minute-franck | simple gem to create Freckle entries |
4 | 61,413 | 86,038 | rate_man | gem to get currency rate exchange |
5 | 82,990 | 53,556 | push_woosher | A simple wrapper for Push Woosh. |
6 | 106,237 | 31,663 | jekyll-transistor | Allows to embed Transistor.fm audio bits in Jekyll pages and posts. |
7 | 112,553 | 35,920 | imfiny-times | A minimalist times inspired theme for jekyll with 1 main category and one opinion one |
8 | 166,241 | 86,038 | rulu-wifi | RuLu wifi login - simplified |