1 | 6,865 | 7,285 | rapporteur | An engine that provides common status polling endpoint. |
2 | 29,569 | 63,432 | jruby_sandbox | A version of _why's Freaky Freaky Sandbox for JRuby. |
3 | 41,819 | 25,458 | rubycop | Statically analyze Ruby and neutralize nefarious code |
4 | 46,040 | 19,893 | ruby_cop | Statically analyze Ruby and neutralize nefarious code |
5 | 51,299 | 19,893 | rapporteur-load_check | Machine load reporting for rapporteur |
6 | 83,123 | 63,432 | ivy-serializers | JSON serialization for client-side apps. |
7 | 112,023 | 63,432 | hash_generator | Simple programmatic building of hashes. |
8 | 118,500 | 63,432 | ivy-serializers-rails | Rails integration for ivy-serializers. |