1 | 28,744 | 63,432 | bootstrapped | Twitters Bootstrap CSS and JS files all in one nice little gem |
2 | 80,742 | 19,893 | propensity | Configuration/Setttings for Rails applications |
3 | 81,749 | 63,432 | upload_kit-rails | Packages the UploadKit JavaScript UI components in to a Ruby gem |
4 | 88,484 | 63,432 | e_pluribus_enum | I like symbols in my code, and integers in my database. I also like to control the symb... |
5 | 90,827 | 63,432 | key_cache | KeyCache ties in to ActiveRecord callbacks and enables you to store info in redis |
6 | 113,822 | 30,305 | preferred | Preferred allows you to define preferences on a model and stores them in a jsonb column... |
7 | 120,832 | 41,916 | resurrection | A concern for models that follow ActiveModel::Model providing soft delete functionality |
8 | 123,572 | 41,916 | devise_auditable | Auditing Plugin for Devise |
9 | 125,052 | 63,432 | entropi-bootstrap-rails | This gem provides Boostrap CSS and a JQuery plugin interation for your Rails 3 applicat... |
10 | 136,081 | 63,432 | spree_html_invoice | HTML Invoice Template for spree |
11 | 138,853 | 30,305 | pushpop-rails | A Ruby on Rails gem that integrates Entropi Software's Pushpop framework |