Nwwatson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,74463,432bootstrappedTwitters Bootstrap CSS and JS files all in one nice little gem
280,74219,893propensityConfiguration/Setttings for Rails applications
381,74963,432upload_kit-railsPackages the UploadKit JavaScript UI components in to a Ruby gem
488,48463,432e_pluribus_enumI like symbols in my code, and integers in my database. I also like to control the symb...
590,82763,432key_cacheKeyCache ties in to ActiveRecord callbacks and enables you to store info in redis
6113,82230,305preferredPreferred allows you to define preferences on a model and stores them in a jsonb column...
7120,83241,916resurrectionA concern for models that follow ActiveModel::Model providing soft delete functionality
8123,57241,916devise_auditableAuditing Plugin for Devise
9125,05263,432entropi-bootstrap-railsThis gem provides Boostrap CSS and a JQuery plugin interation for your Rails 3 applicat...
10136,08163,432spree_html_invoiceHTML Invoice Template for spree
11138,85330,305pushpop-railsA Ruby on Rails gem that integrates Entropi Software's Pushpop framework