Toddthomas's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,9855,843random-wordA random word generator intended for use in test data factories. This library uses a l...
226,12286,038resque-multi-stepProvides multi-step tasks with finalization and progress tracking
326,57313,150signed_xmlXML Signature verification
430,77842,025skinkA Ruby DSL for testing REST APIs.
575,92386,038openlogic-saml-spSAML 2.0 SSO Sevice Provider Library
688,21786,038resque-job_loggerA resque plugin which logs the time it takes a job's perform method to run.
7102,05886,038openlogic-feed-normalizerAn extensible Ruby wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers. Feed normalizer wraps various RSS...
8104,07886,038openlogic-zipzip is a Ruby library for reading and writing Zip files. Unlike the official rubyzip, z...