Olivierlacan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18641,172haml-railsHaml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 5. It also enables Haml as the templating...
23,4083,034mandrill_mailerTransactional Mailer for Mandrill
34,0173,030mandrillusA fork of the official Ruby API library for the Mandrillus email as a service platform.
445,72125,792oa-codeschoolOAuth2 OmniAuth strategy for Code School
581,18638,694open_badgesWork with OpenBadges Issuer API
6111,32674,510etalonA very simple tool to instrument Ruby code and output basic metrics to a logger or stor...
7119,61074,510tapdanceWith tapdance you can call tap on nil and it will swallow gamma rays like a collapsing ...
8163,29974,510link_to_meGive link_to the ability to point to the show page of an Active Record model instance r...