Scpike's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3302,650will_paginate-bootstrapThis gem integrates the Twitter Bootstrap pagination component with the will_paginate p...
214,2817,656leaflet-markercluster-railsCluster markers to improve performance of leaflet rendering with large sets.
341,89424,241rails_phoneHandling for phone numbers in rails apps. Make the aggressive assumption that a valid p...
443,41747,329rails-unitsProvides classes and methods to perform unit math and conversions
571,40147,329enigma_ioRuby client for the Enigma API
691,63747,329word_wrapperWord wrapping implementation in ruby. Includes a naive greedy algorithm (fast) and Knut...
7142,01374,510excel2csv-binSimple command line interface to convert .xls or .xlsx files to .csv