Cmur2's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,31961,367dyndnsdA small, lightweight and extensible DynDNS server written with Ruby and Rack.
218,3129,212zeebe-clientZeebe client containing a simple wrapper for the GRPC protocol used by
322,01541,086wccwcc tracks changes of websites and notifies you by email and as of version 2.0 via XMPP...
445,60915,060openvpn-status-webSmall Rack (Ruby) application serving OpenVPN status file.
558,96661,367ctodoSearches for issues on Github/Google Code/custom Redmine instances/local files for curr...
661,61561,367gloudappCloudApp (tm) applet for Gnome/GTK2
796,64861,367cloudapp-power-cliA powerful CLI for CloudApp that makes the complete CloudApp API available on command l...
899,89261,367wcc-xmpp-notificatorXMPP/Jabber notificator plugin for wcc
9100,88661,367wcc-rss-notificatorRSS feed notificator plugin for wcc
10133,42061,367wcc-filelog-notificatorFilelog notificator plugin for wcc