1 | 16,420 | 14,953 | dyndnsd | A small, lightweight and extensible DynDNS server written with Ruby and Rack. |
2 | 17,987 | 13,706 | zeebe-client | Zeebe client containing a simple wrapper for the GRPC protocol used by Zeebe.io. |
3 | 22,204 | 35,677 | wcc | wcc tracks changes of websites and notifies you by email and as of version 2.0 via XMPP... |
4 | 45,701 | 35,677 | openvpn-status-web | Small Rack (Ruby) application serving OpenVPN status file. |
5 | 59,355 | 59,086 | ctodo | Searches for issues on Github/Google Code/custom Redmine instances/local files for curr... |
6 | 62,007 | 59,086 | gloudapp | CloudApp (tm) applet for Gnome/GTK2 |
7 | 97,048 | 59,086 | cloudapp-power-cli | A powerful CLI for CloudApp that makes the complete CloudApp API available on command l... |
8 | 100,320 | 59,086 | wcc-xmpp-notificator | XMPP/Jabber notificator plugin for wcc |
9 | 101,325 | 59,086 | wcc-rss-notificator | RSS feed notificator plugin for wcc |
10 | 134,016 | 59,086 | wcc-filelog-notificator | Filelog notificator plugin for wcc |