1 | 3,601 | 3,632 | dnsimple | The DNSimple API client for Ruby. |
2 | 10,096 | 40,267 | openid-redis-store | Implementation of the ruby-openid Store interface that stores information in Redis |
3 | 10,355 | 60,549 | dnsimple-ruby | The DNSimple API client for Ruby. This gem is deprecated, please use dnsimple. |
4 | 11,263 | 71,169 | activewarehouse-etl | ActiveWarehouse ETL is a pure Ruby Extract-Transform-Load application for loading data ... |
5 | 15,774 | 53,644 | adapter_extensions | Provides various extensions to the Rails ActiveRecord adapters. |
6 | 17,083 | 15,711 | dns-zonefile | The format of a DNS Zonefile is defined in RFC 1035 section 5 and RFC
1034 section 3.6.... |
7 | 21,684 | 20,803 | wd_sinatra | Weasel-Diesel Sinatra app gem, allowing you to generate/update sinatra apps using the W... |
8 | 22,823 | 20,248 | rails_sql_views | Adds support for using SQL views within ActiveRecord |
9 | 29,317 | 28,212 | zas-client | Client for communicating with ZeroAS |
10 | 38,165 | 37,465 | zas-service | ZeroAS provides an authentication service that uses 0mq as its transport protocol |
11 | 39,712 | 147,291 | activewarehouse | ActiveWarehouse extends Rails to provide functionality specific for building data wareh... |
12 | 51,075 | 47,929 | lograge-tagged | A tagged LogSubscriber for Lograge. |
13 | 59,882 | 60,549 | jruby-http-reactor | JRuby NIO HTTP client. |
14 | 69,554 | 60,549 | feed-processor | Feed Processor is a multi-stage feed processor built with JRuby, MRI, beanstalk and Mon... |
15 | 115,746 | 147,291 | capgem | Capgem is an extension to Capistrano which builds your Rails app to a gem which can be... |
16 | 120,985 | 107,887 | freq | Freq provides parsing of strings describing periodically occurring events. |
17 | 126,164 | 107,887 | rsaml | RSAML is a SAML implementation in Ruby. RSAML currently implements the elements defined... |
18 | 135,525 | 71,169 | registrar-client | Abstract interface and implementations for working with various domain registrars. |