Akwiatkowski's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,53586,038weather_fetcherAt this moment you can fetch weather http://www.worldweatheronline.com/, from various P...
225,35642,025technical_graphPurpose of this gem is to create neat, simple, technical graphs. This is alternative to...
334,32820,749gpx2exifMass geotagger using GPX files.
441,85086,038ranges_mergerSimple gem used for merging range-like objects. If you have problems with operations on...
551,48824,968home_io_meas_receiverReceive measurements from IoServer (part if HomeIO).
654,54786,038simple_show_helperSimple helper to create 'show' pages easily.
773,31031,663hello_server_clienthello_server client lib.
882,99686,038pedophiledownload static pages for offline usage.
985,96786,038ar_binary_flag_attributesAdd binary flag attributes to AR model using one DB field.
10100,72586,038simple_metar_parserGem for parsing METARs fast and simple.
11101,73035,920gpx_utilsGPX file utilities. Import track file, import/export waypoints file.
12102,31242,025i_hope_you_dieCheck if patient has paid for health care in Poland
13105,46542,025gpx2pngConvert routes to image map files using Openstreetmap tileset.
14133,88853,556koko_railsAdds Jarzębina's power to your rails app.