Ixti's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1239250httpAn easy-to-use client library for making requests from Ruby. It uses a simple method ch...
2246257http-form_dataUtility-belt to build form data request bodies. Provides support for `application/x-www...
32,1371,824redis-prescriptionPreloads (and reloads when needed, e.g. when scripts were flushed away) script and then...
42,1891,852sidekiq-throttledConcurrency and rate-limit throttling for Sidekiq
53,7042,932jekyll-assetsA drop-in Jekyll Plugin that provides an asset pipeline for JavaScript, CSS, SASS, SCSS...
65,4614,984redis-throttleRedis based rate limit and concurrency throttling
726,88711,634sidekiq-pauzerEnhance Sidekiq with queue pausing
832,50049,619madrideZero-configuration command-line HTTP server.
935,43617,206content-typeHTTP ContentType header parser
1049,73866,440redis-lockersSimplified implementation of Redlock (distributed lock manger by antirez). Right now it...
1152,95149,619gnucash-invoiceGnuCash invoice printer for human beings.
1262,685108,739cachewUnified cache interface.
1381,649108,739madride-with-bootstrapBootstrap plugin for madride.
1483,67331,995sidekiq-antidoteSidekiq poison-pill instant remedy
1587,150108,739time-iteratorUtility class to iterate through times with a given step size.
16114,845108,739geminusSimply share constants between backend/frontend.
17132,409108,739madride-with-jqueryjQuery plugin for madride.
18134,817108,739maddocBetter markdown to HTML renderer.
19136,34666,440dmuxdtach alike tmux runner
20147,804108,739viberatorDumps Viber chat logs into pretty-formatted HTML
21158,63231,995amazing-activistAnother take on Command Pattern.
22159,516108,739jekyll-assets-autoprefixerHooks autoprefixer into jekyll-assets
23180,17666,440http-rspecInclude helpfull matchers for mathing statuscodes