Forresty's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,47163,432xunleiA browser script to access tasks automatically
237,45463,432hnA tiny gem to fetch Hacker News entries
347,59463,432ttableTerminal Table with @2x width character support
469,95863,432xiamiretrieve songs from
535,07643,902hn_cliCommand line interface to Hacker News
680,39063,432nbyet another Naive Bayes library
741,55372,239ayiAyi does house-keeping.
891,88863,432ouilook up OUI information /w Chinese translation using MAC addresses
992,11663,432modouyour modouwifi cli
1099,85225,458rdkitRDKit is a simple toolkit to write Redis-like, single-threaded multiplexing-IO server.
1158,34472,239v2exCommand line interface to
12120,73963,432mutaliskA simple yet powerful HTTP API benchmarking tool.
13141,86963,432chyet another consistent hashing library
14150,53263,432cniptest if an IP belongs to mainland China
15156,10563,432mobinfolookup ISP and geo info (province, city) for mobile number in China
1692,16272,239d3statusA simple gem to display Diablo 3 server status
17105,61772,239term_uilightweight terminal UI kit inspired by UIKit on iOS
18110,87472,239varysYet another simple dnsd
19114,67543,902fluent-plugin-logfmt-parserFluentd parser plugin to parse logfmt format
20119,71472,239fyshfy's own shell
21125,58372,239pina-coladaplay music in your terminal