#546's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,33911,358honkster-jellyJelly provides a set of tools and conventions for creating rich ajax/javascript web app...
216,52713,506fasterer-csvCSV parsing awesomeness
330,23416,044named-routesA simple and generic named routes api. It works really well with Sinatra.
430,87521,627jasmine-sprocketsAdds Sprockets to Jasmine's Asset Serving
537,70423,402honkster-acts_as_solrThis plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apach...
639,52733,893honkster-redis-storeRack::Session, Rack::Cache and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks.
741,28633,893honkster-binActiveSupport MongoDB Cache store.
843,43641,086honkster-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
946,08461,367cache-store-apiRuby cache methods built on top of Rails and Sinatra caching.
1049,50461,367honkster-encosionRuby library for working with the Brightcove API
1151,12933,893unicorn-directory-watcherUnicorn wrapper that restarts the server when a file changes (inspired by http://namele...
1251,16933,893true-webA lightweight Sinatra web MVC stack
1355,49123,402mongo_mapper-strict_keysMongo Mapper Strict Keys Plugin.
1456,02261,367system-bangKernel#system! it blows up when your shell command fails.
1559,82461,367honkster-js-test-serverThe JsTestServer library is the core javascript test server library used by several JS ...
1668,99261,367honkster-screw-unit-serverThe Screw Unit server conveniently serves your Screw Unit specs and javascript files an...
1770,12761,367honkster-giternalGiternal provides dead-simple management of external git dependencies. It only stores a...
1870,43661,367honkster-friendlyNoSQL with MySQL in Ruby
1975,73061,367honkster-auto_taggerHelps you automatically create tags for each stage in a multi-stage deploment and deplo...
2085,37061,367honkster-addressableAddressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard...
2187,46561,367honkster-fasterer-csvCSV parsing awesomeness
2296,35733,893mongo_mapper-paranoiaMongo Mapper ActsAsParanoid Plugin, modeled after Ryan Bigg's plugin
23116,58861,367honkster-selenium-rcThe Selenium RC Server packaged as a gem
24118,61861,367honkster-newrelic_rpmNew Relic RPM is a Ruby performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc (htt...
25119,93961,367honkster-mongo_mapperA Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo
26120,70761,367honkster-active_hashAn ActiveRecord-like model that uses a hash or file as a datasource
27122,45561,367honkster-braidA simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.
28122,84461,367honkster-erectorErector is a Builder-like view framework, inspired by Markaby but overcoming some of it...
29123,63661,367honkster-webrat-rspec-railsWebrat + rspec/rails integration
30124,42061,367honkster-attr_encryptedGenerates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently
31124,90761,367honkster-rack-ssl-enforcerRack::SslEnforcer is a simple Rack middleware to enforce ssl connections
32127,34861,367rack-callRuby cache methods built on top of Rails and Sinatra caching.
33128,19461,367honkster-perftools.rbA sampling profiler for ruby code based on patches to google-perftools
34130,15561,367rack-hoptoad-notifierSimple Rack wrapper around HoptoadNotifier.notify
35134,87861,367portholePorthole is a ripoff of Mustache. It replaces the use of {{ }} with %% %%, because god ...
36159,77961,367honkster-bundlerBundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many mach...
37164,97361,367TrueCar-chefA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...