Garethrees's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,5065,321readingtimeEstimates reading time of a Ruby String object
212,8427,808acl_system2An access control gem for Rails. A flexible declarative way of protecting your various ...
376,49725,458ampersatCalculates which email domains your subscribers use
493,46163,432hunterHunter was made to look through log archive directories and inside each log count the n...
5101,25241,916twalkTwalk displays tweets of your followers who are talking to one another
6108,40530,305rack-floc-offTells Google not to impose Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) on users
7130,84963,432coderwall_rubySimple wrapper around Coderwall User API
8136,10463,432ncbi_blast_results_parserParses useful information from the HTML response of an NCBI Blast
9142,88563,432paramsfileDynamically generate configuration files with YAML and Mustache
10168,45463,432github_events_exportExport GitHub events to JSON files
11171,82341,916rubobotRuns RuboCop Auto-correct for the cop with the lowest offense count, making it easier t...
12173,23130,305dsnRuby parser for RFC 3463 Delivery Status Notification codes
13173,95563,432feed-the-zettelkastenReport on daily note-taking progress