Yuki24's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1184232kaminariKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...
21,220797graphlientA friendlier Ruby client for consuming GraphQL-based APIs.
32,8054,525did_you_meanThe gem that has been saving people from typos since 2014.
44,6174,915rambulanceRambulance provides a simple and safe way to dynamically generate error pages.
56,0938,669andpushAndroid Push Notification in Ruby: simple, fast, high-quality client for FCM (Firebase ...
69,8836,996artemisGraphQL client on Rails + Convention over Configuration = ❤️
710,3456,238capybara-shadowdomTest Web Components built with the Shadow DOM
812,63835,332mongoid-cached-jsonCached-json is a DSL for describing JSON representations of Mongoid models.
912,73035,332delayed_job_shallow_mongoidWhen the object or arg to a delayed_job is a Mongoid document, store only a small stub ...
1019,3579,132fluent-plugin-redisRedis output plugin for Fluent
1132,56951,323to_jbuilderEasily convert Ruby array/hash by just calling the #to_jbuilder method.
1240,51921,578pushingPushing is like ActionMailer, but for sending push notifications.
1341,76051,323newrelic-httpclientnewrelic-httpclient allows transactions to show time spent inside httpclient requests
1466,28735,332object_mapperConvert JSON to Plain Old Ruby Objects.
1590,97330,390shoelace-railsThe shoelace-rails gem adds useful view helper methods for using Shoalace Web Components.
16101,30351,323kiitaKiita is yet another Qiita API wrapper.
17130,00551,323hiramekiredis based one time token generator.
18130,27851,323friendableRedis backed friendship engine for your Ruby models
19138,17151,323ovenOven generates a dependency-free HTTP client.