Nyaa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,41851,220capobviousCapfile that we use every day
220,60751,220fbrailsSmall gem for auth & getting info from facebook
351,03451,220rudateRudate gem is used for translate dates from Time object to russian text
458,39029,512qiwi-payProvides support for payment operations using QiwiPay WPF and API services
566,00351,220mobile_detectgem detect mobile device or not, tablet or mobile phone
680,90251,220fixturesnow you can do object.to_fixtures and use in tests
797,92551,220zentaskzengile.com rake tasks
8138,15251,220rails_doctorgem detect problems in your rails project
9172,97751,220fib_rustGet the fibonacci number