Tarellel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,9577,526simple_form-tailwindA generator to add a simple_form config setup for tailwindCSS based forms
231,23116,519bootstrap_views_generatorA Rails based generator for creating Bootstrap Views/layouts for for your application
356,76618,743semantic_ui_views_generatorA Rails based generator for creating Semantic UI Views/layouts for for your application
474,88866,923kowlUsed to generate a Rails application following a basic setup of best practices, guideli...
579,26443,406healthiconsA helper to easy add healthicon SVG icons to you application
682,45966,923tailwind_views_generatorA Rails based generator for creating TailwindCSS based Views/layouts for for your appli...
7101,06426,806sailpointAn helper for making API requests to a Sailpoint/IdentityIQ APIendpoint
8108,76043,406headroom-railsA lightweight javascript asset that reacts to your scrolling and hides your header unti...
9131,63566,923fx-sqlserver-adapterAdds sqlserver adapter to Fx gem to enable database migrations and schema to work w...
10164,24966,923ldap_queryEasily generate LDAP connections and queries without having to learn how to build an LD...
11175,39266,923crossbeamAn easy way to create and run service objects with callbacks, validations, errors, and ...