Ka8725's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,5463,292migration_dataSometimes we have to write some Rails code in the migrations and it's hard to ...
29,3874,789safe-enumThis is a very basic implementation of enums in Ruby. The cornerstone of the library is...
310,5294,420actual_db_schemaWipe out inconsistent DB and schema.rb when switching branches. Just install this gem a...
437,73419,038wkhtmltopdf-binpathProvides binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF project in an easily accessible package.
541,13727,620static-structAn OpenStruct-like library but with the static-like behavior. ...
661,48474,510get_or_buildAssume user belongs_to company and you want to get company object within one method cal...
789,98974,510gitstatsShow git statistics using blame. More metrics are coming.
895,15074,510gem_statsJust put gemstats your_gem_name and have a pleasure to see full statistic for this gem
9125,83974,510GetOrBuildAssume user belongs_to company and you want to get company object within one method cal...
10132,36174,510range_regexpThe solution to convert a Ruby range to a regexp.
11147,13774,510govnoNew Revolutionary Framework for Web Applications
12164,46074,510grutThi is an authorization system for a Ruby (including Rails) project, ...