Ibylich's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15431parserA Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.
26234astA library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.
324,92515,694c_lexerA Ruby parser written in C
459,38918,096lib-ruby-parserRuby bindings for lib-ruby-parser.
5111,241141,551exception_managerGem for inspecting local and class/instance variables when raising exceptions
6113,744141,551capybara-async_runnerGem for running ascynrhonous jobs in Capybara.
7144,266102,511pry-memoryPRy extension for automated naming of everything that you type in console.
8144,266141,551binding_dumperA gem for dumping a whole binding.
9154,807102,511handlersocket-rbZero-dependency implementation of HandlerSocket protocol
11167,746102,511memoized_on_frozenBecause memoization creates an ivar