Docwhat's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
142,11323,626magic_revealCreate presentations with markdown and ease!
265,99586,038mergitEver wanted to merge all your 'require'd files into one file for easy distribution? Mer...
383,02031,663list_to_columnsGiven an Array of Strings, it formats it into columns to make it more compact for termi...
497,61442,025lego_nxtA gem to interface with LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT bricks.
597,79386,038ssh-host-listerGenerates a list of host names for ssh_config(5) suitable for shell completion or via fzf.
699,94642,025kitchen-driver-vagrant_provisionA driver for Test Kitchen that uses Vagrant provisioning
7100,65135,920homedirYour home directory package management system
8112,01553,556apotomo-animateMake your AJAX powered apotomo widgets have more sizzle; animate them as the appear!
9112,14342,025lita-dieAdds 'die' command
10132,46253,556iatedThe It's All Text! Editor Daemon
11140,37686,038ruby-openid-teamsSupport for the OpenIDTeams extension