1 | 24,268 | 16,242 | generative | Generative and property-based testing for RSpec |
2 | 37,457 | 57,843 | request-tracer | This is a tracer that hooks into several components to allow tracing requests across se... |
3 | 44,992 | 57,843 | jruby-scala-collections | Interoperability layer for passing JRuby & Scala collections back and forth. See README... |
4 | 70,260 | 57,843 | gtdfiles | == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: == SYNOPSIS: * gtdfiles --process C:\GTD * gtdfiles --simulate... |
5 | 117,766 | 57,843 | DatamapperRackStreamer | Fetches data via data_mapper and streams it as csv via rack |
6 | 130,772 | 57,843 | mongoid-multi-db | Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby. |
7 | 132,113 | 57,843 | mongoid-rspec-multi-db | RSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers |
8 | 151,405 | 57,843 | pact-csv | Provides CSV support for the Pact gem |