Ogom's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,00463,432alive_stateAlive Application State on Rails.
237,68063,432smartdcJoyent CloudAPI client and command line interface.
339,94363,432cassette-rackOperate of the VCR cassette on Rack
442,22830,305draw_umlDrawing the Unified Modeling Language of Rack.
544,89763,432nsumenaturally consume by ruby.
646,09230,305draw_erdDrawing the Entity-Relationship Diagram of Rails.
758,24863,432grant-frontAuthorization Grant Front on Rails.
864,98763,432idnaRuby FFI bindings for Libidn2.
966,17114,438raesDescription of Rails Async Event Store.
1070,37230,305draw_smdDrawing the State Machine Diagram of Rails.
1179,33463,432bouquetbouquet description.
12104,13263,432my_gemsmy gems of longer description.