Tkellen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,79514,438rack-slashenforceA rack middleware to enforce appending or removing trailing slashes.
212,86311,448ngramBreak words and phrases into ngrams.
347,93363,432dailyshare356 Projects for Sinatra/Sequel
466,53263,432google-map-stitchDownload and stitch google map tiles into a single image.
599,59863,432thermalConvert basic HTML into thermal printer escape codes.
6125,67563,432extruderA simple and powerful file pipeline.
7128,31263,432inputInput is a framework-agnostic HTML5 form library with no external dependencies.
8132,70841,916reifyA toolkit for web development with Sinatra. This includes them all!
9133,05841,916reify-coreA toolkit for web development with Sinatra.
10140,38363,432sequel-noinflectorsDisable inflectors for Sequel.