Jnyman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,5675,299webdriver_managerProvides a method of automatically downloading WebDriver binaries.
218,34317,316symbiontSymbiont is a framework that allows you to describe your application in terms of ac...
320,80923,369lucidLucid is a test framework that is designed to treat testing as a design activity by...
429,47128,212fluentProvides a semantic DSL to construct a fluent interface for test execution libraries.
537,77129,723specifyTest and Data Condition DSL for RSpec
648,65044,005venomA test generator for Symbiont.
750,37733,052testableProvides a semantic DSL to construct fluent interfaces for test execution logic.
858,037107,887data_readerProvides a standard method for reading YAML data files
968,10860,549spectestTest framework for specifying tests and executing tests.
1069,15644,005tapestryWeaving a semantic DSL to construct fluent interfaces for test execution logic.
1184,84371,169lucid-genLucidGen generates test repositories for the Lucid framework. Lucid is an opinionat...
1288,123147,291data_setProvides configuration specification and retrieval using YAML files.
1388,404107,887data_builderProvides expressive data set handling from YAML files.
1488,89053,644yard-lucidYARD Documentation Generator for Gherkin-based Repositories
1597,35171,169thanosThe Thanos gem allows you to consume the API provided by the Marvel development tea...
1699,92784,493lucid-tdlTest Description Language
17104,453147,291data_accessibleProvides accessibility mechanism for data.
18107,88571,169galactusJust as Galactus consumes planets in the comics, the galactus gem allows you to con...
19115,32884,493symbioteProvides a semantic DSL to construct fluent interfaces for test execution logic.
20120,67371,169test_specTest and Data Condition DSL for RSpec
21130,18084,493test_workflowChains classes and methods as a path to execute in a workflow.
22132,511107,887terminus_specTest framework for specifying tests (with Cucumber) and executing tests (with Watir or ...
23133,24860,549proverbsDescription Language Specification and Execution Engine (Using RSpec)
24138,238147,291coherenceCoherent Spec is a framework that supports the creation and execution of test speci...
25139,238147,291cogentCogent is a framework that provides a way to describe your application in terms of ...
26141,697147,291dialectDialect is a framework that provides a way to describe your application in terms of...
27142,407107,887lucentA Test Execution Framework for Lucid
28149,572147,291accessible_dataProvides accessibility mechanism for data.
29149,57284,493specify_html_reporterHTML Report for Specify
30154,470107,887scribalLucid is a test framework that is designed to treat testing as a design activity by...
31159,019107,887satisfySatisfy is a micro-framework supports the creation and execution of test specificat...
32161,816147,291empiricProvides a semantic DSL to construct fluent interfaces for test execution logic.
33163,651107,887test_performanceGenerate performance metrics from watir-based automation.
34163,771107,887lucid_reportCreate lucid test reports from Cucumber JSON results.
35165,374107,887rspec_variantsTest and Data Condition DSL for RSpec
36168,804147,291browser_scrollProvides API Around JavaScript Scrolling Functionality