Gearhead's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,248107,996beanworkerIt is a worker-side Beanstalk-based job-queueing dispatcher This is a pre-release, I w...
251,396107,996backup_foundationThis gem contains needed to setup backups for your website in 5 minutes
353,744107,996beanqueueThis is a beanstalk-based job-queueing-manager, replacement for gem 'stalker' with addi...
458,571107,996from-scratchMakes all the stuff usually you or your DevOps does before first deploy
566,934107,996activestorage_direct_diskThis gem allows to serve ActiveStorage uploads directly without signature.
672,66166,011reviewletteEasy, fair and trackable labor division in your team.
7108,034107,996validates_password_strengthThis gem unions a server-side ActiveModel password strength validation plugin with a cl...