Kkosuge's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
168,35953,556cono_storageOpenStack Swift Client for ConoHa オブジェクトストレージ
274,51431,663hatena-bookmarkhatena-bookmark is simple Hatena::Bookmark AtomAPI library.
384,43942,025anemoiget weather forecast from expression with natural language (ONLY IN JAPANESE)
493,18535,920hijiriDerive Time from Time expression with Japanese language.
5101,84486,038chatwork_to_slackexport ChatWork(chatwork.com) logs to Slack CSV format
6144,19886,038self_inquirerAdd to built-in classes a method to test for equality.
7173,08286,038sesame2Ruby wrapper for the CANDYHOUSE Sesame 2 Web API (https://doc.candyhouse.co/ja/SesameAPI)