Mattgillooly's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,43986,038pipelyGenerate dependency graphs from pipeline definitions.
216,33542,025streaminglyHelpful classes for writing streaming Hadoop jobs in Ruby
355,06553,556pathologyThis can be handy if you want to generate dynamic filenames or URLs using runtime data ...
459,99986,038pipely-generatorsHelpers for generating new Pipely projects
560,80010,015totangoRuby client for sending events to Totango
662,20186,038eolclub_scraperScrape currently scheduled event from for
782,02586,038summarilyDefine merge strategies for combining sets of stats
886,70731,663ics_validatorValidate iCalendar content
992,73235,920json_controller_generatorCreate controllers for restful APIs, without generating unwanted helpers, views, and as...
1097,07086,038google_alertsA parser for Google Alerts emails
1199,76686,038barelyA way to use Arel, but only bARELy. Get it?
12105,32386,038gh-whoUse, for example, with Selecta to pipe specfic usernames into another program, perhaps ...
13109,14886,038owasp_ri_scraperScrape currently scheduled event from for
14133,57986,038rubyview-railsUse Rubyview for Rails View templates
15134,60853,556whenhuba gem for the WhenHub API
16135,38553,556trello_branchEasily create branches from Trello cards
17142,74553,556copedantFind chords on your pedal steel.
18143,81253,556mattgillooly-grbA tool to simplify working with remote branches
19146,16886,038directlyTools for manipulating dataflow graphs
20148,26386,038partlyManages data partitions in batch processing.
21153,10986,038superbowlUse the magic of data to predict how much money you're going to win in your Super Bowl ...
22156,32686,038microformat_scraperScrape scheduled events from microformatted web pages