Jfredett's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,89341,916crystallineA tool which installs common Rake tasks, Gem dependencies, and RSpec Helpers used in my...
248,40163,432graphableA library for extracting static graph representations of data from rails-y databases
350,31363,432exegesisA tool for automatically compiling C projects
453,80941,916katuvA tool for parsing and transforming internal Ruby DSLs
558,42863,432sortahSortah provides a simple, declarative internal DSL for sorting your email. It prov...
672,55341,916kindahKindah is an implementation of Parameterized Classes for Ruby.
793,33530,305meta_profilerAbstracts over the interfaces to the various implementation-specific profiling tools
898,69063,432cross-talkA Pub/Sub Event Management Service for Ruby Classes
9102,00463,432kamaConverts AR models to CSV
10117,77863,432arsenalA Repository-pattern based ORM
11126,07963,432enviableProvides higher-level access to Configuration stored in the Environment
12128,15563,432cashewCashew, a collection of conveniently encapsulated caching constructions.
13134,96825,458eisegesisA tool for building projects. It doesn't suck.
14136,37630,305dugoutA performance testing tool
15139,16641,916peiThe Service Oriented Architect
16141,44241,916ramseyA graph database built on git
17143,25763,432signacA compiler for Signac, an Aspect/Object oriented, Actor Model focused programming language
18145,20163,432gpg-locksmithManages sharing your GPG keys between computers you control.