Makimoto's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6242,410romajiYet another Romaji-Kana transliterator
28,3287,133expeditorExpeditor provides asynchronous execution and fault tolerance for microservices
315,42647,329barbequeJob queue system to run job with Docker
437,68727,620activerecord-msgpack_serializerA custom ActiveRecord serializer using MessagePack
569,23074,510ruboty-rainfall_jpA Ruboty plugin to check rainfall forecast in Japan
673,89147,329exception_notification_fluent_logger_notifier[DEPRECATED] old gem of exception_notification-fluent_logger_notifier
777,99474,510glitched_stringThis gem adds some methods to String class. They generates glitched string
889,43874,510fluent-plugin-sayFluentd output plugin to say something by using 'say' command
9102,15147,329gifanimeThin wrapper for RMagick's animated GIF generate feature
10104,83274,510ruboty-zoiA Ruboty plugin for "Zoi" (a.k.a. "NEW GAME!")
11105,31147,329exception_notification-fluent_logger_notifierA custom notifier for ExceptionNotification which notifies exceptions to Fluentd via fl...
12140,89574,510try_bangIt provides Object#try! that tries methods after #respond_to?
13142,92974,510jpegsanJust another JPEG file reader/writer for data destruction freaks.