Gee_forr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,74417,636linear_regression_trendA simple library for calculating linear trend regressions against a time series data se...
236,91251,488bushpigSimple job system.
356,66116,946sa_vat_validationSA VAT number validation
457,06423,861za_id_numberA small library for parsing, validating, and providing information on South African ID ...
5101,283129,735subtitle_shifterA simple little gem for modifying SubRip subtitle files. Done as a mentoring exercise w...
6116,89751,488luxafor-togglA simple utility to integrate and sync your Toggl activity with your Luxafor flag
7132,480129,735my_string_extend_gfThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
8135,133129,735rl_hiya_fortuna_gabrielSay hiya